Hethersett Badminton Club is a social mix of players of varying abilities.
There are currently over 30 regular players aged from 20 to 75 with a roughly 70/30% male/female ratio.
We play on five rubber-surfaced courts in the main sports hall and the gym. We welcome new players who have attained a standard beyond absolute beginner’s level.
Senior players meet at Hethersett Academy on Thursdays from 7pm until 9pm.
Students enjoying their A Level courses are invited to a light hearted gameplay session from 8 til 9 on Wednesdays
There is also a gentle ladies only session in the Academy gym from 7 til 8 on Thursdays
Committee officials:-
Chairman, Rick Thorne
Welfare Officer, Kerry Pells
Level 2 Coaches, Matt Bale, Paul Rodgers, Lee Wright and Robin Cooper,
Level 1 Coaches, Rick Thorne, Abdul Wadood, and Maxxhew Tay
Treasurer, Tim Skinner
Secretary, Peter Hoult